My Studios
The Sea Ranch Studio
(Sea Ranch, CA)
I spend about a week a month at The Sea Ranch, a beautiful Northern California coastal community that has a very famous architectural history and is populated with many creative people, including many artists. When a space became available in an historic building, I jumped on it. The space has wonderful west-facing windows and was designed by one of the original Sea Ranch architects for use as his office. It is an inspirational space that connects me to both the natural landscape and nature-inspired designs of the area that often inform my work.
The Mountain View Studio
(Mountain View, CA)
I moved my painting studio out of my garage almost 10 years ago and into a shared space a short drive, or nice bike ride along a bike boulevard, from home. It’s in a light industrial building with several units surrounded by a community of others, mostly non artists, running different small businesses. It’s a very friendly group and we keep an eye out for each other. I share the space with another oil painter but I work alone most of the time, earbuds delivering great tunes to fill my head and create an energetic beat to keep me moving and painting. I spend most days in my studio when in town.